Robin tattoo


Buy Desmond´s app ”Desmond – 3 fun games” in App Store!

Have you ever had the urge to bang a sledgehammer in the head of a stupid swamp monsters? Now’s your chance to punch a terrible monster by helping wicked Wille, who really is not wicked at all.

 Are you good at fashion? Then you can help Desmond in choosing clothes. Because he really needs a helping hand. 

Are you curious about how it sounds when a crocodile farts? If you feed Mr. Krookodil with enough cupcakes so maybe you manage to get a real crocofart.

The Magnificent Dr Moose – now at Swedish Television

Exhibition in Restaurant Riche, Stockholm

Exhibition in the dining room of the Rich: Magnus Carlsson POV (Point Of View)

Restaurant Riche celebrates National Day June 6 to inaugurate the exhibition POV by Magnus Carlsson, one of Sweden’s most prolific and well-established illustrators. POV includes a number of oil paintings depicting some of today’s most famous people. Including Ingmar Bergman, Bob Dylan and the King of Sweden.

”Portrait painting is something I’ve always been fond in. Trying to get the personality of a man with the help of a few clicks oil paints and a canvas is a challenge. A pretty fun challenge. In Point Of View, I chose carefully a number of famous people affects me in different ways and tried to get a fair idea of how I think they see themselves as public figures. I have no idea if I succeeded. But I hope so.”

POV going on in the dining room at Riche from June 6 to August 25.

Bengt of Sweden – Helicoptertrick

Bengt of sweden – Helicoptertrick

© The Jolly Patron AB

Meeting with Thom York

The Jolly Patron goes birdy

by Frida Thunholm

The Jolly Patron goes chief

by Frida Thunholm

The Jolly Patron goes satellite

by Frida Thunholm

The Jolly Patron goes African

by Frida Thunholm